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471 BILLET Supercharger

Just unveiled by Blower Drive Service this second coming of the 471, is the first ALL NEW 471 BILLET supercharger to hit the market since the original GM unit. CNC’d from a single block of billet 6061 aircraft quality aluminum it integrates the same downsized dimensions with contemporary state of the art billet appearance and advances in technology.  Unlike those offered by the competition BDS’ 471 is constructed using 100% ALL NEW PARTS, no refurbished boneyard parts used here. It is the perfect choice for V6 and small V8 applications and will replace virtually any 4-71 GM blower. Additionally, the BDS 471 features the company’s latest 3-lobe, non-helix, rotor design which allows the blower to push more and cooler air than that produced by its predecessor. This configuration also offers use of a slower overdrive which ultimately produces more horsepower at the flywheel. Stock 471 bolt pattern is retained, and 471 to 671 manifold adapter plates and complete drive kits are manufactured NEW and available from BDS. Current retail price is just $2,597.00. That’s substantially less than others are getting for blowers being built around “cleaned up” parts scrounged from old used blowers.
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